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22.2034 55.4408 21.8897 55.4408 21.481V19.0328H56.2322V21.5139C56.2322 22.1451 56.0426 22.6413 55.6778 22.9879C55.3131 23.3345 54.839 23.4987 54.27 23.4987C53.7011 23.4987 53.2269 23.3345 52.8622 22.9879C52.4975 22.6413 52.3078 22.1597 52.3078 21.5139V19.0328H53.0993V21.481C53.0628 21.8897 53.1759 22.2034 53.3801 22.4442ZM65.7039 19.0328H64.927V22.3238L62.2244 19.0328H61.433V23.4512H62.2244V20.2369L64.8504 23.4512H65.7039V19.0328ZM74.4836 19.6202C74.9249 20.0106 75.1474 20.536 75.1474 21.2292C75.1474 21.9225 74.9249 22.4625 74.4982 22.8529C74.0715 23.2579 73.4077 23.4549 72.5032 23.4549H70.9677V19.0365H72.5652C73.3931 19.0328 74.0423 19.2298 74.4836 19.6202ZM74.3742 21.2439C74.3742 20.2369 73.7578 19.726 72.5542 19.726H71.7628V22.7471H72.6345C73.2034 22.7471 73.6302 22.6266 73.9329 22.3713C74.2174 22.1122 74.3742 21.7364 74.3742 21.2439ZM80.3546 23.4512L80.8141 22.4442H83.1411L83.6006 23.4512H84.4395L82.397 19.0328H81.5582L79.5157 23.4512H80.3546ZM81.9813 19.9377L82.8201 21.7547H81.1424L81.9813 19.9377ZM90.4654 19.7261V23.4512H89.674V19.7261H88.2662V19.0474H91.8733V19.7261H90.4654ZM96.7132 19.0328H97.5046V23.4512H96.7132V19.0328ZM106.647 22.8347C106.173 23.2689 105.604 23.4805 104.908 23.4805C104.211 23.4805 103.642 23.2689 103.168 22.8347C102.694 22.4005 102.457 21.8569 102.457 21.2111C102.457 20.5653 102.694 20.0253 103.168 19.5875C103.642 19.1533 104.211 18.9417 104.908 18.9417C105.604 18.9417 106.173 19.1533 106.647 19.5875C107.122 20.0216 107.359 20.5653 107.359 21.2111C107.359 21.8569 107.122 22.4005 106.647 22.8347ZM106.078 20.0837C105.761 19.7699 105.367 19.6166 104.908 19.6166C104.448 19.6166 104.054 19.7662 103.737 20.0837C103.42 20.3974 103.263 20.7733 103.263 21.2111C103.263 21.6635 103.42 22.0393 103.737 22.3385C104.054 22.6377 104.448 22.8055 104.908 22.8055C105.367 22.8055 105.761 22.6559 106.078 22.3385C106.396 22.0247 106.553 21.6489 106.553 21.2111C106.553 20.7623 106.396 20.3865 106.078 20.0837ZM116.598 19.0328H115.824V22.3238L113.118 19.0328H112.327V23.4512H113.118V20.2369L115.744 23.4512H116.598V19.0328ZM14.5565 20.7917L14.5601 20.7912V20.7917H14.5565ZM14.5601 20.7912C18.5593 20.2497 21.6284 16.9887 21.6284 13.0531C21.6284 10.6487 20.4905 8.51427 18.7033 7.07309L14.5601 11.0099V20.7912ZM12.2329 11.0099V20.7917C8.22824 20.2517 5.16095 16.9899 5.16459 13.0385C5.16459 10.6341 6.30252 8.48512 8.08965 7.05853L12.2329 11.0099Z" fill="white"/>
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Latest revision as of 20:13, 24 July 2024

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