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== どうすれば寄付できますか。 ==
== How can I donate? ==
There are several ways you can donate to the Wikimedia Foundation to support Wikipedia and free knowledge. The most common are using any major credit or debit card (VISA, Mastercard, Discover or American Express), using PayPal, via bank transfer, and via Amazon. For other ways to contribute, including via an automatic monthly gift, check or money order and payroll deduction, please visit our [[Ways to Give]] page. Many currencies are accepted.
== 寄付者のプライバシー方針はどのようなものですか。 ==
== What is your donor privacy policy? ==
私たちは、寄付者のプライバシー権利の保護に努めています。読者の非公開の個人情報を販売、取引、貸与することはありません。詳しくは、[[wmf:Donor privacy policy/ja|ウィキメディア財団寄付者個人情報保護方針]]をご覧ください。
We are committed to protecting the privacy rights of our supporters and will never sell, trade, or rent your nonpublic personal information. Please see our [[wmf:Donor privacy policy|Donor privacy policy]] for full details.
== 寄付は課税控除対象ですか。 ==
== Are my donations tax deductible? ==
ウィキメディア財団への寄付のなかには、課税控除の対象となるものがあります。詳しくは、[[{{LocalPage|Tax deductibility}}|税金の控除について]]をご覧ください。
Some donations to the Wikimedia Foundation may benefit from tax deductible status. Please visit our [[tax deductibility]] page to learn more.
== 返金の方針について教えてください。 ==
== What is your refund policy? ==
If for any reason you wish to have your donation refunded, please contact us via email at ご寄付の返金を希望される場合は、以下の情報を[mailto:donate@wikimedia.org donate@wikimedia.org]<ref name="zd"/> and include the following information:までご連絡ください。ご返金は、ご寄付から90日以内のものに限ります:
* Full name of donor
* Date of donation — All refund requests must be made within 90 days of donation
* Amount donated
* Payment method used — '''Do not include credit card numbers in your email'''
* Country of origin
* Reason for the refund
* 氏名(フルネーム)
All refunds will be processed as quickly as possible, but processing times may vary depending on the payment method. Please note: Some payment methods may not support refunds or require refunds to be made through the payment method (card) utilized, prompting additional information to process your refund.
* 寄付した日付
* 寄付額
* 寄付の支払い方法 — '''クレジットカードの場合、カード番号はメールに記載しないでください。'''
* 寄付手続きを行った国名
* 返金を希望する理由
== Why am I seeing fundraising banners on Wikipedia even though I have already donated recently? ==
== 最近寄付したばかりなのに、ウィキペディアに募金バナーが表示さるのはなぜですか。 ==
Donation banners are designed to show to donors that have enabled cookies on their browser, and to hide after the banner is shown a few times or after a donation. Hiding, however, depends upon a cookie that we insert in the browser. Banner hiding won't work if you clear your browser's cache, delete cookies, or change browsers or computers.
There are several options available to you to hide the fundraising banners in the future:
* If you click the X or Close button on a banner, it will hide for one week. Please note this behavior does not apply to the first banner you see, but every banner thereafter.
* If you return to the [https://thankyou.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thank_You/en 'Thank You' page] it will give the cookie a chance to reinsert. If you read Wikipedia on multiple devices, please visit this page on each of them to suppress the banners.
* You can also create an account on Wikipedia - banners are not typically shown to users who log-in to Wikipedia accounts. More information on creating an account can be found [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Why_create_an_account%3F here].
* バナーの「X」または「閉」をクリックすると、バナーは1週間非表示になります。ただし、この動作は初回のバナーではなく、2回目以降のバナーに適用されます。
== Why have I received a fundraising email even though I have already donated recently? ==
* 「[https://thankyou.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thank_You/ja ありがとうございます]」 ページに戻った場合、頻繁にクッキーが再挿入されます。複数のデバイスでウィキペディアをご利用の場合、このページを各デバイスで開くことでバナー非表示が設定できます。
* ウィキペディアにアカウントを作成する ー 通常、 ウィキペディアにログインしている利用者にはバナーは表示されません。アカウント作成の方法については、[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Why_create_an_account%3F こちら]をご覧ください。
== 最近寄付したばかりなのに募金メールが届くのはなぜですか。 ==
If you have received a fundraising email even though you donated recently, this generally is for one of several reasons:
* We have more than one email address for you in our records;
* You donated within a day before our emails were sent: the scan we use to filter out recent donors is unable to catch donations made the day before the email send;
* You donated by either a method that is slower to reach our system, like a check or a bank transfer, or a method that we receive in aggregate (without your email address), like PayPal Giving Fund, Amazon Smile, or Humble Bundle.
* 複数のメールアドレスが登録されている。
If you would like to unsubscribe an email address, you can click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the fundraising email, or send an unsubscribe request to [mailto:donate@wikimedia.org donate@wikimedia.org].<ref name="zd"/> We generally send fundraising emails around a year after your most recent donation. We send a very low number of emails to donors, relative to other nonprofit organizations. If you donate in response to a fundraising email, we will not send you donation request emails again until around the same time the next year.
* 募金メール送信前の1日以内に寄付をした:メール送信の前日に行われた寄付は、最近の寄付者を除外するためのフィルターで除外されません。
* 小切手や銀行振り込みなど、当システムに届くのが遅い方法、あるいは PayPal Giving Fund、Amazon Smile、Humble Bundle など、複数の寄付が集約して受け取る方法(個別のメールアドレスを含まない)で寄付をした。
メールアドレスの配信を停止したい場合は、募金メール下部の配信停止リンクをクリックするか、配信停止希望の旨を [mailto:donate@wikimedia.org donate@wikimedia.org]<ref name="zd"/> までご連絡ください。通常、募金メールは、直近のご寄付から1年前後に送信しています。ほかの非営利団体と比べて、私たちが寄付者に送るメールの数は少ないです。受信した募金メールを経由してご寄付いただいた場合、翌年の同時期まではメールは送られてきません。
== Why are there no ads on Wikipedia? ==
== ウィキペディアにはなぜ広告がないのですか。 ==
We are not considering advertising as a source of revenue. We do not believe that advertising belongs in a project devoted to free, reliable, and neutral knowledge. Introducing commercial interests could jeopardize Wikipedia’s reliability as a neutral source of information.
We are not against online advertising, nor are we against other organizations that host ads. We just know ads are not appropriate in a project devoted to education and knowledge – and especially one that strives for balance and neutrality.
== Where can I find more financial information? ==
== 財務情報の詳細はどこで見られますか。 ==
The Wikimedia Foundation's '''[https://annual.wikimedia.org Annual Report]''' covers the previous fiscal year. The report shares some of the voices of the hundreds of thousands of people who make the Wikimedia movement possible.
前年度分の財務情報は、ウィキメディア財団の[https://annual.wikimedia.org 年次報告書]でご覧いただけます。ウィキメディアの活動を可能にしている何十万人もの人々の声の一部を紹介しています。
The Wikimedia Foundation '''[[m:Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan|Annual Plan]]''' describes our budget for the current fiscal year. It contains a summary of our strategic goals as an organization, financial details on spending and revenue, and detailed explanations and risk analysis.
ウィキメディア財団の[[m:Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan|年次計画]]には、私たちの現会計年度の予算が記載されています。組織としての戦略的目標の要約、支出と収入に関する財務の詳細、詳しい説明とリスク分析が含まれています。
== What is the Wikimedia Endowment? ==