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Landing Page example with template areas highlighted.
Fig. 1: An example of a Landing Page with boxed areas added in order to highlight the different templates that set the look and functionality of various areas.

Banner settings completely determine which landing page is displayed, in which language, and where the page runs. All banners call the Lp-layout-default template and pass it the names of 4 templates. The default values follow:


The "2011FR/Appeal-default" is used by Template:2011FR/Appeal-template-default to call the following 2 templates:


The template that mainly ties together the payment form on the right is Template:2011FR/Form-template-default. The country specific details are set by the template Template:2011FR/Form-countryspecific-control.

Helper Templates

Switch templates

The following is a list of templates templates that are used to change page content based on language, country, etc.

Payment method status

The following is a list of templates that can be use to turn on and off their respective payment methods by toogling the value stored inside the template between "block"(on) and "none"(off).


Flow cart showing how information goes from banner to template to template generating a Landing Page.
Fig. 2: A flow cart showing how information goes from banner to template to template generating a Landing Page.